
With regards to your inquiry about how to increase the sales performance of a company, I would like to make some conducive suggestions. I am writing to express my views concerning this issue.
Firstly, I suggest that the company must further differentiate from its competitors, aiming for product or service advantages. For example, the company can offer more discount or coupon that will encourage people to buy more. Secondly, I suggest that the company should have effective promotional activities, such as sending promotional materials or starting campaigns to attract customers. Last but not least, I believe that hedge your bets tactics could work to increase sales. That is, the company may broaden its customer base by improving customer service and developing new products.
In conclusion, the company must focus on creating a competitive edge, as well as come up with promotional activities and tactics to remain competitive. Please take good consideration of my advice. I hope what I mentioned above will provide some help for your problem.